
SMThubungan 2024

From June 11, 2024 until June 13, 2024
Nuremberg - NurnbergMesse GmbH, Bavaria, Jérman
(Punten parios kaping sareng lokasi dina situs resmi di handap sateuacan hadir.)

SMTconnect - Solusi pikeun Majelis Éléktronik sareng Sistem

SMTconnect 2024 is the trade fair for electronic producers. SMTconnect in 2024: What to expect? Voices from the Show Floor 2023. Dr. Christoph WeissZVEI, German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association. Join the SMTconnect Community in three easy steps: Find products and exhibitors. The ticket is valid also for PCIM Europe.

SMTconnect mangrupakeun acara unik dina subyek manufaktur éléktronika di Éropa. Acara ngahimpun jalma sareng téknologi dina widang desain, produksi, jasa, sareng aplikasi sistem mikroéléktronik sareng rakitan dina lingkungan kerja anu merangsang.

SMTconnect, with its motto of "Driven Manufacturing Forward", provides a great opportunity to share ideas, develop tailored solutions for electronic systems and assemblies, lay the foundation for business deals and improve skills.

This is a major industry event. You can learn a lot about the latest innovations in electronics production, substrates and mounting and connection systems. You can also get an overview of many solutions in current topics like digitalization, automation, and robotics.

Lengkah 1: Nyuhunkeun dokuméntasi exhibitor ku telepon atanapi ku email ka [email dijaga], atawa ku ngaklik dina "Nyuhunkeun dokumén exhibitor tanpa kawajiban". Naha anjeun hoyong konsultasi pribadi ogé? Anjeun tiasa mesen janjian inpormasi anjeun di dieu, pikeun obrolan video atanapi telepon.

Lengkah 3: Konfirmasi pendaptaran ku ngaklik tautan anu disayogikeun dina email. Anjeun bakal nampi konfirmasi resi ku email sareng tawaran anu henteu ngariung, disaluyukeun sareng kabutuhan anjeun.

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Nuremberg - NurnbergMesse GmbH, Bavaria, Jérman Nuremberg - NurnbergMesse GmbH, Bavaria, Jérman


800 Karakter kénca