
Dahareun-Inuman-Dapur Afrika Pameran Perdagangan Internasional 2024

From August 08, 2024 until August 10, 2024
Nairobi - The Sarit Expo Center, Nairobi County, Kenya
(Punten parios kaping sareng lokasi dina situs resmi di handap sateuacan hadir.)
kategori: Industri kadaharan
tags: pawon

Kénya Dahareun & Dapur 2024 - Pangan Internasional Tembongkeun Afrika

Mangga pilih hiji pilihan. Kategori Exhibitor. Kota / Inpormasi Nagara. MEK GIDA SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. PROLINA INVESTOR COMPANY kawates. Sponsor jeung Mitra. Datangna di Tanzania. Karakuta di Kénya ngagaduhan langkung seueur kasempetan kusabab paningkatan ngahasilkeun alpukat. Usaha Italia hoyong sapotong pasar anggur $ 14 milyar Kenya.

FOOD & KITCHEN KENYA is a showcase of products, machinery and equipment from exhibitors in over 26 countries. This trade show has a great line-up, both local and foreign companies, and is a perfect platform for product launches, finding buyers and distributors, promoting brands & images, updating customers, and keeping up with the latest industry trends. FOOD & KITCHENAFRICA is a great place to introduce new products to the market, and to find new buyers and distributors. It's also a good way to update existing customers and to learn about the latest trends in the industry.

48 Grup was founded in 2004. It is the leader and the strongest company in the sector of aphrodisiac products.

MEK GIDA SAN.TIC.LTD.STI nyaéta parusahaan diadegkeun dina 1996 ku Alaattin KARAASLAN. MEK GIDA SAN.TIC.LTD.STI, salah sahiji pausahaan ngarah dina séktor bakery & pastries ogé ngaronjatkeun produk aya...

Prolina Investments Company Limited mangrupikeun perusahaan anu ngurus barang-barang tuangeun sapertos kacang mete sareng uyah laut.

Industri Pangan & Inuman mangrupikeun industri anu kompetitif pisan. Urang tiasa nunjukkeun perusahaan & produk urang dina paméran ieu.

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Nairobi - The Sarit Expo Center, Nairobi County, Kenya Nairobi - The Sarit Expo Center, Nairobi County, Kenya


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