
Acara Komprehensif EXPO 2024

From July 03, 2024 until July 05, 2024
Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepang
(Punten parios kaping sareng lokasi dina situs resmi di handap sateuacan hadir.)

【公式】LIVeNT | ライブ・イベントの総合展

Introduction to the two specialized exhibits that comprise LIVeNT. Also, the advantages of both exhibiting and attending. View the details of two specialized exhibits (including attendance statistics and examples). You can ask questions to the exhibitors and get an understanding of their products. Click here to get an invitation ticket.[Free]. Visit the website to view details about two special exhibitions (including visitor statistics and exhibit examples).

Naon LIVeNT?Live Entertainment EXPO & General Event EXPO mangrupikeun dua paméran anu misah anu janten acara anu komprehensif.

Live Entertainment EXPOOn display will be products related to live performances and festivals, as well as goods and services such a production equipment.Attendees will include music agents, promoters, and others involved in the live-music business.

* Kajadian komprehensif EXPO * Dina tampilan bakal sagalana nu peryogi pikeun ngayakeun hiji acara, kaasup tata acara, suplai jeung parabot. Di sakuliah nagara, jalma nu jawab perencanaan acara, pamasaran perusahaan, sarta planners acara kapanggih.

Situs ieu nawiskeun inpormasi panganyarna ngeunaan paméran, acara katukang sareng nampi aplikasi ti sémah sareng paméran.

Two special exhibitions will bring together companies that offer the latest products and service in their respective fields. We can collect information efficiently and consult customers on their concerns.

A show where you can compare and consider products and services for shows and concerts such as production goods and ticketing.

Hits: 2003

Ngadaptar pikeun tiket atawa stan

Mangga ngadaptar dina ramatloka resmi tina Acara Komprehensif EXPO

Tempat Peta sarta hotél sabudeureun

Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepang Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepang


800 Karakter kénca