
Gastro & Hotél Praha 2024

Gastro & Hotél Iraha
From October 09, 2024 until October 11, 2024
Praha - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praha, Czech
(Punten parios kaping sareng lokasi dina situs resmi di handap sateuacan hadir.)

Pikeun GASTRO hotél

After the trade shows, we continue to offer you 'My Carpet' - the key to your perfect home. Here are the winners of CZECH INTERIOR AWARD! New reinforcements from the future. The Czech carving team has achieved a fantastic result at the IKA World Culinary Olympics 2024! Events for 2024. Win the CZECH INTERRIOR AWARD in 2024! Thank you for the 7th year of the Congress. All participants, partners and guests are thanked!

Kami gaduh acara anu saé pikeun anjeun, sanaos usum Shaker Interior sareng Desain parantos réngsé. tip pikeun pengayaan interior Anjeun!

We are delighted to announce that shopex.cz will be able to offer our customers a wide range of unique products by our new partner "My Carpet" even after the fair season has ended. The carpet supplier will offer a wide range of products to suit every type of room, including children's bedrooms, kitchens, bathrooms and even the popular arte lawns.

Jelajahi tawaran kami di https://shopex.cz/mujkoberec-cz/ sareng mawa gaya sareng kanyamanan ka unggal sudut bumi anjeun.

The winners will be announced on Thursday, April 11 at the PVA EXPO Prague, at the DESIGN SHAKER fair. Voting professionale jury and awards by the public. In five of the seven categories, 222 projects total were submitted. The expert jury is composed of important personalities in the interior design branch.

Kasuksésan pamasaran gumantung kana monitoring konstan, jsb Ku examining tren panganyarna na informasi dina widang komunikasi. Kami nyiptakeun pameran AI sabab kami ngagaduhan anggota tim anu digital. Kembar diréktur umum ABF, sakumaha Martin Frantisk.

Hits: 2082

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Mangga ngadaptar dina ramatloka resmi Gastro & Hotel Prague

Tempat Peta sarta hotél sabudeureun

Praha - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praha, Czech Praha - PVA EXPO PRAHA, Praha, Czech


800 Karakter kénca