
Spa & Kabugaran Jepang 2024

Spa & Kabugaran Jepang
From September 30, 2024 until October 02, 2024
Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepang
(Punten parios kaping sareng lokasi dina situs resmi di handap sateuacan hadir.)

Diet & Beauty Fair/Gaya Well-Beauty |トップページ

Dina 2024, dua paméran "Beauty and Wellness" bakal dimimitian! . Diet & Beauty Fair. 10th Japan Made FairBeauty Award Japan Made Beauty Study Group/Seminar Kesejahteraan

Negotiate with beauty salon owners to achieve business! Diet & Beauty Fair is working with aesthetic salons since 23 years. This fall, it will also be held at Tokyo Big Sight. This is the ideal place to showcase the latest in beauty equipment, treatments, cosmetics and supplements. Beauty salon owners want to find the latest beauty equipment, cosmetics, treatments, supplements etc. &nb...

The Femtech Promotion Federation, (Chairperson: Seiko Miyaji, Secretary-General Takuma miyaji), held its 21st General Meeting on April 4, and has held six meetings in May of last year to solve the menopause problems and promote social and economic issues. Opinions have been exchanged about a draft proposal that summarizes all the discussions under the theme "Creating a Society where the Generation that will be the Leaders of the World can play a role.".

A survey by the Well-beauty Style Council revealed that 500 women aged between 30 and 50 years old from across the country engaged in 5 different activities. These activities included: warm-up, intestine, sleep, muscle, and bone activities. The most common activity was intestinal activity. The intestines have nerve connections to all parts of the body.

Diet & Beauty Fair, paméran kaséhatan sareng kageulisan komprehensif anu lumangsung unggal usum gugur, ngagungkeun ulang taun ka-23 na. Pameran dagang BtoB kami gaduh catetan lagu anu kabuktian pikeun ngahijikeun profésional sareng pembeli milarian kaaslian sareng tren sareng produk panganyarna.

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Tempat Peta sarta hotél sabudeureun

Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepang Koto - Tokyo Big Sight, Tokyo, Jepang


Leonor Bais
Mimiti hadir Spa Jeung Wellness koto. Kuring kudu papanggih supplier anyar Spa na Beauty Produk.
Leonor Bais
Spa sareng kasihatan
Ieu pertama kalina kuring nganjang ka Spa sareng Kabugaran di Tokyo. Pilari maju ka pendak sareng jalma-jalma sareng industri anu sami. Hoping pikeun neuleuman leuwih ngeunaan wellness.
Leonor Bais
Spa sareng kasihatan
Pertama kali nganjang ka Spa sareng kabugaran di Tokyo.
Mudah-mudahan abdi tiasa diajar téknik anyar.

Leonor Bais
Spa sareng kasihatan
Kahiji waktos hadir. Looking forward to learn more.

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