
Neues Bauen next edition date updated

From March 19, 2025 until March 23, 2025
At Neue Messe, 88046, Friedrichshafen, Baden-Württemberg kategori: Imah & Kantor, Wangunan & konstruksi

IBO | Neues BauEn

Pameran dagang konstruksi dibuka pikeun sadaya profésional dina industri wangunan. Naha ngantosan? NewBauEn mangrupikeun tempat para ahli konstruksi sareng tukang tiasa pendak.

We deserve the best for our home. What is the alternative to long queues at hardware stores, long waiting times for artisans, endless calls, visits and offers? Neues BauEn is located on the Friedrichshafen exhibition grounds. New BauEn - one trade fair, all providers, quick comparisons. Get straight to the point. If I want all of them, then the construction experts, the good conversations partners, and the professionals.

Ieu dimana anjeun tiasa ngamimitian ngawangun sareng hirup indah. Friedrichshafen parantos ngajarkeun ka sakumna daérah kumaha ngarencanakeun, ngawangun sareng ngarenovasi.